

  • Kamchatka crab. Limb – 250 gr.
  • ¼ piece lemon
  • Butter — 150 gr.
  • Fresh thyme — 2 sprigs

Cooking method:
1. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
2. We open the limb into two halves.
3. Melt the butter, mix with the lemon juice. Add the thyme leaves to the resulting sauce.
4. Spread the halves of the limb with the meat up, cover them liberally with the sauce and put them in the already preheated oven for 4-6 minutes at a temperature of 180°C .
5. The dish is ready as soon as the butter has melted and absorbed into the crab meat. The sauce that forms around it is also served with the finished dish – it is delicious to dip bread in it.

Be careful: inside the walking leg in the center there are soft chitinous plates!
Crab dishes